When a Diagnosis Can’t Keep You From Your Dream

When a Diagnosis Can’t Keep You From Your Dream

While inspired by the whirlwind romances in Hallmark movies, Racquel Henry knows all too well that life doesn’t always feel like a fairytale. But an unexpected diagnosis (and 92 rejections) couldn’t stop her from becoming a published author.

Racquel Henry and I were supposed to meet at Lineage Coffee, where we would’ve walked across mint green floors and ordered an iced matcha and lemon cake before sitting in two black iron chairs at a small round light-wood table, us talking a little louder whenever metal eviscerated whole coffee beans. 

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To Follow Someone

To Follow Someone

The Art and Craft of Profile Writing: An Interview with Susan Orlean

It begins in a Florida swamp.

It was 2015, and I was struggling to figure out how to structure a book I’d been working on for over a year; I’d interviewed 120 people about a dream come true in their life, but now I had no idea how to turn those interviews into a book. The structure I’d imagined when I started (something more like a how-to book, with anecdotes and quotes scattered throughout) no longer felt right. The book I’d set out to write wasn’t the book I was going to write. It needed to be something else, but I still had no idea what that was.

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Surviving the Editing Process

Surviving the Editing Process

Journalist Jada Yuan on why needing 17 rounds of edits doesn’t mean you’re bad at your craft.

You’ve probably never heard of “Jada Yuan,” but you’ve heard of the people she’s interviewed: Steven Spielberg, Taylor Swift, Mindy Kaling, Stevie Nicks, to name a few. But who she knows is not what makes Jada interesting – it’s how she writes; she is one of my favorite writers.

Jada is a storyteller – and I want to find out how she got so good at her craft.

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when your creative project wants to be something else

when your creative project wants to be something else

I woke up today and decided it was time to scrap everything on my website (isaadney.com) about the book I've been working on for two years and rewrite.

Over the course of these past two years, the book became something completely different than what it started out as. 

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I have loved Beauty and the Beast for what feels like my entire life, but there is one scene that has always stood out among the rest (and that is saying a lot because it had to compete with the library reveal and that time when she's trying to pick out a book on the step ladder and that first "There goes the baker..."). 

But the scene that has stayed with me long into adulthood is the one where she runs into a field of dandelions and sings, as the music crescendos,: "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere, I want it more than I can tell..."

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a cuppa

a cuppa

I am not British but I went to England for two weeks in college and I fell in love with everything about it. We did London for only a few days at the end - which was great of course - but what really captured my heart was the English countryside.

The gardens. The architecture. The very friendly people and scrumptious food that belied much of what people told me to expect about the place.

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